Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sweet Potato Fries

The other night my mom, Jordan, and I decided (aka my mom decided and we agreed - remember that Italian guilt I mentioned?) to go to this musical in Schenectady called "Ragtime." One of my mom's bribing tools was to treat us to Aperitivo prior to the show. Aperitivo had just changed their menu around, and although they removed the Matchstick fries (which I may never forgive them for), they added Sweet Potato fries with a Bacon Aioli ... this was my inspiration for today's blog.

Side note, we sat through half of the musical and then left because the first act was an hour and a half of torture and we still had an entire second act to go. I am not proud that we left, but it was purely to keep our sanity.

Moving on... I've never made sweet potato fries before, but I can say with confidence that they will now be one of my go to side dishes. This recipe is super quick, easy, healthy, and pretty yummy.

For this recipe you will need:
1 large sweet potato
Cinnamon Sugar
Garlic Salt (optional, if you use it don't use regular salt)

Start by pre-heating your oven to 450 degrees and peeling the sweet potato.

Step #1
 After you should cut the potato in half, and then cut into roughly 1/4 of an inch - 1/2 an inch slices (depending on how thick you like them).
Step #2
 I put all of the pieces in a bowl, drizzled with EVOO, and seasoned with salt, pepper, and cinnamon sugar.

Step #3

You should lay all of your fries on a parchment paper lined pan, and bake in the oven for roughly 20 - 25 minutes depending on how thick the fries are.  (During the cooking process you may want to turn the fries once or twice so that they cook evenly).

Once the fries are cooked, remove them from the oven, let them cool for about 5 minutes, and then enjoy!
Step #4
I served my fries with a side of ketchup, and just a quick garlic mayo. For the garlic mayo I simply used some chopped garlic, tiny bit of lemon juice, and mayo. I enjoyed the mayo but my brother wasn't a huge fan so make it with caution :) I had fully intended on recreating a bacon aioli but Jordan was starving and I was already busy cooking the fries and the steak for his steak sandwich - but please stay tuned for my bacon aioli attempt!

I would also like to take this opportunity to update everyone on the Max and Maddie progress. In case you're not familiar, my parent's demon cat Maddie has still not taken a liking to my adorable cat Max, even though they have been living together for about two months now. I think there may be some light at the end of the tunnel (ironically just in time for me to move out)...

1 month ago

Today... even though shortly after this picture was taken she woke up and attacked him.


  1. i can't believe the matchstick fries are gone!
    mmmmm garlic mayo [although i've been known to dip even sweet potato fries in ranch] ;)
    i heart max...

  2. Yeah I'm heartbroken they were so good! I mean everything tastes great with ranch dressing. And poor Max, bless his little heart for still trying.
